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Group Structure & Application

Scale How Companions Membership:
❖ Nature Days
❖ Mother Culture Evenings

❖ Field Trips

❖ Annual Field Day
❖ Scale How Companions GroupMe - communication and events

Scale How Cottage School:
❖ Scale How Companions events
❖ Structured Days
❖ End of Term Gatherings
❖ Family & Group Events
❖ Scale How Literary Society
❖ GroupMe - communication and events

Applications and interviews are accepted March-April. In most cases we require all new families to participate in Scale How Companions for a minimum of 3 months prior to application to Scale How Cottage School. However, there can be exceptions based on each individual family interested. 

Reach Out 

Please reach out to ask questions and learn more about Scale How Companions, Scale How Cottage School financial commitments, application process, schedule, or Charlotte Mason in general. Email us here! 

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